
such an honor to hear Sarah Lee Guthrie & Hoping Machine sing my song at the Climate March in DC!


new CD available on band camp click on cover image below to download tracks

new CD available on band camp          click on cover image below to download tracks

Friday, January 2, 2015

Mark Twain
Here's Mark Twain's 'Your Loving Santa Claus ' letter
 to his three-year old:      Letters of Note

Thanks to Tom Daly at the Norman Rockwell Museum for inviting me to read aloud from various letters with a Christmas twang.                    
Where else can you meet someone from East Mouseberg and read Mark Twain's letter to his daughter as Santa Claus?
So glad I also got to read the letter aloud written by the editor of the New York Sun back in 1897, Francis P. Church. I never knew exactly where the expression 'Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus' came from, and the man seated next to me in the photo above knew the story in detail. (He also wanted to rename a town in PA East Mouseberg, but that's another story...)
It's an uplifting tale to read: Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Francis P. Church, an estimable fellow

Happy New Year.
To paraphrase Francis Church, the most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men or women can see.

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