Mark Twain |
Here's Mark Twain's 'Your Loving Santa Claus ' letter
to his three-year old: Letters of Note
Where else can you meet someone from East Mouseberg and read Mark Twain's letter to his daughter as Santa Claus?
So glad I also got to read the letter aloud written by the editor of the New York Sun back in 1897, Francis P. Church. I never knew exactly where the expression 'Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus' came from, and the man seated next to me in the photo above knew the story in detail. (He also wanted to rename a town in PA East Mouseberg, but that's another story...)
It's an uplifting tale to read: Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Francis P. Church, an estimable fellow |
Happy New Year.
To paraphrase Francis Church, the most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men or women can see.